Paola Ibarra
The Marks, 2019
Commissioned by Metro Tunnel Creative Program
Curator - Global Art Projects
A'Beckett Urban Square, Melbourne
This artwork for A'Beckett Urban Square was created by Paola Ibarra through a collaborative process, offering the public an opportunity to help create the artwork. Paola took pictures of the people who used Urban Square and the surrounding area. She then drew their outlines onto wooden panels and asked the public to add coloured tape to these boards using three guiding priciples: do not cross existing lines; lines should be straight; create open lines or designs. Over six days, over 180 people participated in creating the original artwork. This was then photographed, digitally manipulated and printed onto vinyl for the hoardings in A'Beckett Urban Square.
Paola is an emerging artist from Mexico who has worked in Beijing, Mexico City and Melbourne. She was one of the Masters of Art (Art in Public Space) students from RMIT that we worked with to prepare concepts for the site. We offered the students an opportunity to work on the project as a way to gain industry experience in the public art commissioning process. From the initial EOI, five artists were shortlisted to develop concept designs and Paola's design was selected for Commissioning.
Instagram @paolaibarraart
Paola Ibarra
The Marks
A'Beckett Urban Square, Melbourne
July 2019 - Dec 2019